Lagos Business School

Lagos Business School (LBS) is the graduate business school of Pan-Atlantic University, owned by the Pan-Atlantic University Foundation (PAUF), a non-profit foundation registered in Nigeria. LBS was founded on inspirations from the teachings of St Josemaria Escrivá, the founder of Opus Dei. LBS offers academic programmes, executive programmes and short courses (customised to specific company needs, as well as open-enrolment courses) in management. Its offerings have been accredited globally and ranked among the best in Africa, as it systematically strives to improve the practice of management on the continent. The business school’s efforts have been recognised by several world-class accreditations and rankings.  Besides the quality bar set at world-standards, LBS programmes also stand out because of the emphasis on professional ethics and service to the community.

Education at LBS is comprehensive, drawing on the experiences of a multinational faculty and participants. Learning is participant-centred and uses the case study method. Activities hold on the school’s purpose-built facilities which serve more than 3,000 participants yearly from indigenous and multinational companies. These attest to the expert teaching, the relevance of the programmes and the overall benefits derived from attending.

LBS has a robust alumni association with more than 6,000 members. This asset base, as well as the close relationship with the corporate world, ensures that the programmes offered, as well as having international standards, also has local relevance.

Learning at LBS is based on a Christian conception of the dignity of man, of society and economic activity. The Prelature of Opus Dei provides the spiritual and pastoral means necessary for the School to sustain and develop its Christian identity. The function of the Prelature in LBS consists of its Christian vivification, through the appropriate means of doctrinal and spiritual guidance and formation, as well as adequate pastoral assistance so that the teaching, publishing, and research activities in LBS are inspired by the Christian view of the person, the world and society, and seek a coherent union between faith, thought and life.

LBS is a member of the Association of African Business Schools (AABS), the Global Business School Network (GBSN), the Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME), AACSB International-The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business and the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC), alongside 220 leading graduate business schools worldwide. GMAC is an organisation of leading graduate management schools in the world and the owner of the GMAT exam.

In recognition of the quality of Lagos Business School’s programmes and of being structured in line with global best practices, it has received several international accreditations. LBS is the first business school in West, East and Central Africa regions to be accredited by The Association of MBAs (AMBA). This puts LBS amongst the exclusive group of only 2% of business schools in 70 countries to achieve this accreditation. The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) has also accredited LBS, the first institution to be so recognised in all of West Africa. LBS thus joined the league of less than 5% of business schools globally, to be accredited by AACSB in December 2016. This accreditation affirms Lagos Business School’s undeniable commitment, over the last 30 years, to world-class standards in teaching, learning, research, academic and professional management.

LBS has been ranked every year, since 2007 by the Financial Times of London, among the top global providers of open enrolment executive education and in custom executive education since 2015. The latter ranked number one in Africa on the 2020 Financial Times list. LBS’ MBA programmes have held Tier One positions on CEO Magazine’s Global MBA rankings for three consecutive years. The School is listed among the top 50 global business schools on The Economist magazine’s 2018 Executive MBA ranking.


Lagos Business School is changing the face of business locally and globally, by developing business professionals with high standards of business ethics, professionalism and deep knowledge of general management practices.

Our Mission & Vision

LBS is a community of people committed to creating and transmitting management and business knowledge based on a Christian conception of the human person and of economic activity and relevant to Nigeria and Africa at large. We strive to be a world-class business school which will have a significant impact on the practice of management.

In order to achieve this mission, LBS seeks to:

  • Provide high potential professionals with a general management education which
    stresses professional ethics and service to the community through the practice of
  • Have a positive impact on the professional and ethical standards of business
    management in Nigeria
  • Make intellectual contributions which: (i) support the practice of management; (ii)
    contribute to the advancement of the management disciplines; and (iii) create high
    quality teaching materials


Developing responsible leaders to inspire Africa’s growth.


LBS, as a management development institution, holds a position of trust and confidence with an ever-increasing number of corporate clients and individuals. Therefore, the values we internalise are:

Spirit of service
Mutual respect

  • Pluralism of Views and Methods.

    LBS welcomes and encourages a wide pluralism of views and methods among its
    lecturers. But in order to carry out its mission, LBS also wants to ensure a
    basic coherence among all aspects of the teaching imparted in the School.

  • The Christian Vision of Man, Society and Economic Activity

    At LBS, the fundamental unifying factor is provided by the Christian vision of man, society and economic activity – a view that can be shared by all people who, independently of their religious beliefs, recognise a spiritual dimension in human beings. This vision and the values that accompany it are conveyed to participants in our programmes not only through the ideas espoused in the classroom but also through the personal example of all LBS staff. Accordingly, it is a condition of employment in LBS to avoid any discrepancy between one’s public lifestyle, actions and teachings and the fundamental tenets of Christian doctrine as officially taught by the Catholic Church.

  • The Prelature of Opus Dei

    The Prelature of Opus Dei, an institution of the Catholic Church, takes responsibility for guaranteeing that the Christian vision actually underlies all teaching, publishing, research and other activities of the School. The Prelature of Opus Dei also provides, through chaplaincy activities, Christian formation to those members of staff and participants in LBS programmes who freely wish to receive it.

  • Our Christian Identity

    LBS has a strong Christian identity, which is reflected in our environment and in the content of the education we offer. One important characteristic of this identity is the openness of the School to people of all races and religions. At LBS,  people of different religious beliefs can and do work together as members of faculty, administrators and participants in its programmes for as long as they can conscientiously agree with the following basic principles:

    • Human beings are moral beings whose behaviour is not mechanically determined by either internal or external factors and who cannot attain fulfilment if they restrict their activity to the pursuit of their own individual interests.
    • The purpose of business organisations is not restricted to generating profit for their owners nor can the objective of maximising profit be the supreme standard of the decision. Business organisations are members of larger societies and must contribute to their common good. The activities of business organisations must also be compatible with – and contribute to – the full human development of those who work in them.
    • Business organisations are not mere production units. First and foremost, they must be human communities where all have an opportunity to participate and contribute responsibly to the common good of the organisation and that of society.
    • Business organisations are not justified in creating and marketing products or services by the mere fact that demand for them exists or can be created. The value of the organisation’s activity ultimately depends on its serving authentic human needs and values.
    • Business organisations must respect the dignity of all the human persons (employees, customers and suppliers…) with whom they relate in the exercise of their activity. A person’s dignity is not respected when one chooses to harm him or her, even if this is done as a means to attain some desirable objective. When harm to a person results as a collateral effect of an action which pursues other objectives, the dignity of the person harmed is not respected if that action has been performed without a serious, proportionate reason.
  • Principles Guiding Governance and Management of LBS

    The following principles guide the governance and management of LBS:

    a. Work in LBS is based on teamwork among persons and departments. Participation is encouraged at all levels of decision-making.
    b. Authority is conceived as a service to society and to all members of the School and is exercised in a way that is respectful of the dignity of subordinates. LBS seeks to foster the full professional and human development of its employees by creating avenues and opportunities for it.
    c. Staff of LBS are people with personal integrity, the spirit of service, the spirit of hard work, civic responsibility and love for freedom. They are hired and promoted on the basis of these qualities and of their potential or actual contribution to the development of LBS.
    d. Provided that it is compatible with its primary mission, LBS will attempt to help other voluntary projects which serve the common good of the Nigerian society through contributions of money, personnel, consultancy services, etc.
    e. LBS is a not-for-profit organisation. Any surplus resulting after covering its own costs and making appropriate contributions to other voluntary projects in accordance with paragraph 6 e) will be re-invested in the School.


    The following principles guide the teaching activity of LBS:

    a. It is a basic aspect of LBS’ mission to form socially responsible managers by placing special emphasis on business ethics. All lecturers share in the responsibility to try to inculcate ethical professional principles in the participants in LBS programmes.
    b. Participants in LBS programmes are encouraged to understand the management profession as an opportunity for service to society and to other members of the organisations in which they work.
    c. The greatest respect is accorded to the freedom and convictions of each participant in LBS programmes. Accordingly, within the framework of the common beliefs spelt out in this document, a diversity of viewpoints and of possible solutions to problems will be welcomed and positively encouraged by the faculty in all programmes.
    d. It is in keeping with the spirit of respect for the freedom of all and with the promotion of careful and impartial research that party politics are totally avoided within LBS. On a personal basis and acting outside LBS, staff are free to be members of any political organisation of their choice and defend their political ideas
    e. LBS faculty will always encourage and demand hard work and high professional standards from participants in LBS programmes.
    f. Academic staff will give priority to their teaching duties and will strive to make time available in order to provide personalised attention to participants.
    g. LBS will strive to make it possible that all persons who have the necessary intellectual and human qualities may be able to participate in its programmes irrespective of their economic means and of considerations of race, tribe, sex, ideology and religion.


    The following principles guide the research activity of LBS:

    a. LBS will promote, especially, research that is relevant to the problems facing African societies and will give priority to work which aims to develop concepts and techniques appropriate for the African environment and likely to have a real impact on professional management practice in Africa.
    b. Interdisciplinary co-operation among lecturers, across departments and with other research institutions inside and outside Nigeria will be fostered.
